A thermostat is an integral HVAC component that helps Virginia Beach, VA, residents stay cozy throughout the seasons. However, its location can significantly impact its performance and your heating and cooling bills. Here are five places you shouldn’t install your HVAC thermostat:
Near Air Vents
The supply vents produce drafts as they push air inside your home. Placing an HVAC thermostat close to the vents results in skewed readings from the drafts. Consequently, your home may become cooler or warmer due to false readings.
Close to Windows and Doors
Similar to supply vents, areas near the windows and doors experience drafts that provide ghost readings to the thermostat. Your HVAC unit may work harder to cope with inconsistent temperatures, leading to wear and tear. Consequently, you’ll need to schedule HVAC repairs more often.
In Direct Sunlight
Walls that receive a lot of direct sunlight are bad areas to install your HVAC thermostat. The device will detect higher temperatures on a sunny day than average readings. As a result, your HVAC system is likely to run for long hours because of the rapid changes in sunlight exposure.
In the Kitchen
The kitchen has relatively higher temperatures than other rooms when preparing meals. The heat from the cooker, oven or stove may trick the HVAC thermostat into believing the entire home is as hot. As a result, your home’s comfort will suffer from incorrect readings.
In the Hallways
Your family will likely spend more time in the living room than in the hallways. Moreover, the hallway has restricted airflow movement, which would alter genuine readings for your home. As a rule of thumb, place your thermostat where your family members spend the most time.
The wrong placement of a thermostat will not only cause discomfort in your home but also impact your wallet. Not sure where to place your thermostat? Contact BAJA Heating & Cooling experts for heating services, including installations, repairs and maintenance.
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