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The middle of the winter isn’t the time to realize you need a new heater. The last you want to happen is for your heater to break down during a wave of extremely cold weather in Virginia Beach, VA. Here are four ways to tell if you need to replace your heating system before winter rolls around:

Age of the Heating System

No heater is built to last forever. The typical lifespan of a quality furnace is 15 to 20 years. Once your heating system reaches the 15-year mark, it may be time to think more of replacing it.

Rising Energy Bills

Your furnace will become one of the largest consumers of energy in your home during the winter months. One sign of a faltering heater is a sharp rise in the cost to heat your home from one year to the next.

Excess Dust

There’s no way to eliminate dust from your home completely. However, if you notice the amount of dust in your home increases despite your efforts at cleaning, it could be a sign that your heating system is doing a poor job at removing dust particles from the air you and your family breathe.

Lack of Warmth

One of the clearest signs that a serious problem exists with your heating system is that it remains cold in your home when the system is running. When no simpler explanation like a leaking air hose or broken thermostat exists, a cold home interior may mean a heating system replacement is in order.

Homeowners with heating systems that have come to the end of their lifespan will need a quality replacement. BAJA Heating & Cooling is available to serve all of your heating repair and installation needs. We’ll make sure you install the best heater for your home and budget.

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