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Half of the average household’s energy bills in the summer come from air conditioning. An inefficient AC system not only costs more money but decreases your indoor comfort. You can maintain a comfortable home and save money on your energy bills in Virginia Beach, VA, by ensuring your air conditioner operates efficiently. Here’s how:

Schedule AC Maintenance Every Year

You should schedule AC maintenance just before summer for your air conditioning system. But it’s never too late to do so. As a result, your AC system will operate as efficiently and effectively as possible. During AC maintenance, we clean the condenser coils, evaporator coils and other vital parts of the air conditioner.

Dirt buildup in an air conditioner is one of the primary causes behind inefficiency and poor indoor comfort, which is why cleaning is such an important task. Only a licensed technician can handle this maintenance task for you since it involves working with the delicate internal components. Other important tasks we carry out during an AC tune-up include tightening loose electrical connections, lubricating moving components and checking for any damage to the system.

Clean or Change the Air Filter

One of the maintenance tasks you can do on your own is clean or change the air filter. You should be completing this task each month your AC system runs.

Cleaning the air filter monthly prevents airflow obstruction, which in turn keeps the system working efficiently. Some air conditioning models have a type of filter that needs replacing. Check what type of air filter yours has so that you know whether to clean or change it.

Maintain Clearance Around the Condenser

Leaves, tree branches and other debris that fall on top of the condenser or too close to it cause inefficiency. You may have accidentally stored or left items too close to the condenser as well. Debris, shrubs, toys and any other items that are too close will obstruct airflow and decrease efficiency.

Always maintain a minimum of 2 feet of clearance around the condenser. If you use a brush to remove debris from the condenser, be careful not to scratch it or lodge debris inside of the appliance.

BAJA Heating & Cooling conducts meticulous maintenance of your air conditioning system and backs up our service with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today to schedule an AC tuneup in Virginia Beach or the surrounding area.

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